Projects in progress


Pilot environmental village project in northern Madagascar

With a solid field experience, the Jungle Park team sensitive to environmental projects will set up a village test on the sustainable management of natural resources.

Because Madagascar can not survive by continuing this environmental management, we propose sustainable solutions for the country.

– Construction of earthen habitats (forest conservation, thermal, anti-seismic ..)

-Installation of lighting and solar oven (forest conservation, resource management)

-Peraculture and irrigation techniques (management of vegetable gardens, orchards, water)

– Environmental education (school creation and management)


(The global project of sustainable development in the village of Andavakoera is made in partnership with the association of Les Geckos de Diego (GED), Malagasy  association to environment towards a sustainable development, corresponding to a global and concrete project of international solidarity : building of a school, reforestation, irrigation, reforestation, electrification in a strong social cohesion.)
After the creation of two small school called ” Tsyka Diaby” (all together) in the village and the gestion of the latest, we have always wanted to go on with our projects linked to sustainable development with an overall view social and environmental challenges.


Now that the village has access to drinking water, electricity and education (elementary and kindergarten), the Jungle Park focuses all its sustainable development in the establishment of this pilot village based on the environmental problems that Madagascar undergone.

For more information contact us.

Community reforestation

Jungle Park with the help of agency NewSeaRoc (NSR), the company BEAL and the environmental association “les amis de circee” (France), the Geckos from Diego (GED Madagascar), WEST (Wood en Stock), Conservation International (CI) and the local communities are the leaders for the reforestation  program in the North of Madagascar in the region of DIANA and more particularly in the province of Diego Suarez


We manage seebeds with the local communities.
reafforestation pepinière

Many species of trees very differents


Do you want to help us ?

Contact us !


Organic Centre

The Organic Centre ”Eco Senteurs” is a centre for environmental education link at the development of local villages.

eco senteurs

We make many work shop with the chidren of the school but with the adult and tourists too !!

The park have a breed of torttle to protect the Malagasy biodiversity


We manage work shop the wednesday and the friday !

Community meeting

Thank to ‘Union Matanjaka and the association Jardin du monde to help us  !

The gardens of the camp are open to everybody !!


Thank to ANJARA director of  Union Matanjaka association who organize the meeting beetwin the farmer and the village’s people !

The jungle park receive the farmer for the lunch !

Thank to JAQUELIN member of Jardin du Monde ‘s association for this conselt to use the medicinal’s plants

The association edit a nice book: Jean Pierre Nicolas et l’équipe de Jardin du Monde”Santé de la famille et plantes médicinales au nord de Madagascar”.

Thank to Conseil Régional du Finistère and specialy to Jean Baptiste.


Environnemental Partnership

Jungle Park in collaboration with this partners :

– Région DIANA

– Ministère des Eaux et forêts

– Commune Rurale de Ramena

– Office Régionale du Tourisme de Diego Suarez

– Service d’appui à la gestion de l’environnement (SAGE) Diego Suarez

– Conseil général du Finistère

– Université de DIEGO SUAREZ

– Association les amis de circées

– Conservatoire botanique de Brest

– Newsea Roc Madagascar Agence touristique

– Université de Saint Denis de la Réunion

– Conservation Internationnale

-Madagascar Biodiversity

– Association Jardin du monde Antsiranana

– Association ZOLOBE

bult a project to environnemental education on the school of the village, sensibilisation, replanting..

Thank to all !!

Sporty partnership

GED (les Geckos de Diego) in partner with CRFU (Comité Régional du Sport Universitaire) SUAPS, UNSS organise a sporty partnership with the Reunion ‘island people and the malagasy boys

 Groupe run groupe

Rock climbing, Trail, diving, and multisports…

Affiche MADAGRIMPE 2017 P9230576

…and party are in program with all local community

Spectacle Accueil

This partnership is in the spirit of the camp

Many thanks to all !! 

Cultural areas

With a partenership between University of Antananarivo and US archaeology professors of university of YALE (department of Anthropology) a new archaeology area was found in the parrot valley !

Maybe the most old in Madagascar ! between 2000 and 3000 years before JC !!!

The first people in the red island !!!


The professors in the Jungle camp

Geckos from Diego


We are particulary sensitive to sustainable development as far as our projects are concerned, either on a social, eudactional, sanitary or environmental level.



We manage The ”Geckos from Diego” (GED), Environmental and Rock Climbing association, who organise the environment education with the village’s people and discovery of climbing to protect the environment.


Diego’s Geckos Association (GED) 26 rue Colbert BP 541 Antsiranana 201

Bank : BVG- SG

RIB : Code Bank : 00008/ Code Guichet : 00510 / Count Number : 05004005812 / RIB Key : 43 / IBAN : MG460000800500400581243/ BIC: BFAVMGMG


  Climbing place at the association, meeting, informations contact us !!


Environnental and sporty center

The Jungle Park is a centre of environmental and sporty meeting.

Meeting French school of Diego Suarez, of Réunion ‘s Island with the school of Diego soarer’s bush on the camp

seconde B  EP9

 for experience in rock climbing – caving- trekking – volley- adventure tract- archery..

Fescalade volley

 but to make reflexions on the environmental’s problems

– water organisation

– problems of coal

– diversification and alternative solutions

– natural energy

– Replanting and gardens

potagers EP2

and meeting with village’s people and kids.

EP10 école2

Ecole EP5

This meeting are really positive to change the mentality on the environmental problems
 Thanks to all !!

Eco Camp

 Why Jungle Park is an Eco Camp ???

The camp is an environmental centre who organize cultural meeting.

The camp organize environmental and sporty meeting beetwin teachers, farmers, tourists and village’s people

 – The gardens Eco Senteurs are visual test zone to the environmental education.

 – The replanting gardens  are organize by local’s people and the trees are for communautary replanting.

  -The garden of medicinal plants is use for the environmental education

  – The torttles and butterflys are for sensibilisation and conservation of the Malagasy bio diversity.

– The camp use solar energy

– The toilets are dry and selective !

 – The showers only with biologic soap.

 – The camp organize meeting for replanting’s sensibilisation

  • -Now the project is to build only with ground (Jungle Lodge)

– The camp build school and participe to the teacher’s salary.

 – We want to keep malagasy’s traditions and share it with everyone