Jungle Party

The Jungle Park can be privatized for incentive,weeding birthday, or simply for have Fun!!

soirée1 Sambomena2

Many theme party are organized all the year

soirée3 soirée6

infos contacts reservations to our office in town or by E mail

party  party1

Contact us !


With a view to sustainable development, our mission is to find new natural methode of construction who do not harm the environment

Our project continuous with the Ecovillage at Jungle Park :


Construction containing sand- clay – ground into the rice bag ! The principe of Super Adobe

eco2 eco1

A concept of 6 ecodomes around of natural swimming pool


3 are actually open and 2 big in construction

JL58 JLl64

JL68 JL114

pool28 pool108

And this natural swimming pool..


JUNGLE PARK ‘s office 26  Colbert’s Road DIEGO SUAREZ

The Concrete Jungle Saloon

Space of conviviality, information, good plans of the region, but also tea and coffee room, relaxation and games area

Tourist reception area, tips, information, sale of equipment (climbing, t-shirt, chalk bag, sunscreen, etc.) reservation of sites.

Climbing and  surf shop, tourisme information board, pictures..

beal  BLOCAGEca


The Jungle Lodge is to 30 minutes of 4W of our office.     

(00261) 32 04 724 46 or (00261) 32 28 318 48

Obligatory Reservation
(by E mail : junglepark201@gmail.com)